We view and value vendors as stake holders in our Group. This is the corner stone of all our vendor relationship policies. The Group follows well laid out transparent and fair procedures in all aspects of vendor relationship. These procedures are corollary to our Global Code of Conduct. Respect for vendors, understanding their difficulty, ethical pricing and protection of their interest are dear to our heart. We strongly believe that we can only grow along with our vendors and not at their cost. We do not believe in zero sum game and practice win-win approach.
RSB being a multi product and multi location organization, there is immense focus on the supply chain function. At corporate level at the apex, the strategic sourcing department drives the supply chain function; evaluates and selects vendors and evolves the terms of partnership. The corporate strategic sourcing department integrates the material requirement of each plant, coordinates with the vendors spread across the globe and develops a unified supply chain policy and arrangement. Its major focus is to forge long-term relationship with the vendors.

We nurture and assist our vendors in improving their quality and up grading their production systems. We assist in transferring the various initiatives like KAIZEN, POKAYOKE, SIX SIGMA practiced in RSB plants to vendors to enable them to enhance their processes and quality and to reduce cost. RSB has high level of concern for environment and expects our vendors to follow the same. We are constantly on the look out for strategic tie-ups with vendors having innovative technology.At RSB we have a well-defined Supplier Quality Manual which details, right from Vendor Assessment, Enrolment, TRSO(Technical Review sign Off ), PPAP, Ongoing Audits and Quality Monitoring, Cor Prev actions etc.RSB extends its Learnings, of TQM and TPM practices, to their vendor partners for mutual beneficial growth and capability building. We buy products and services in several areas like castings, forgings, sheet metal parts, automotive components and aggregates. This will significantly increase soon when our business for e Mobility applications will acquire critical mass. To support our manufacturing plants throughout the globe, we are looking for cost effective and quality suppliers in areas of casting and forging having ISO/ QS / TS / IATF certifications.