1.1 The Company shall remain committed to always being a socially responsible corporate citizen to serve with humility the community in which it operates.
1.2 The Company will adopt an inclusive growth model and work towards holistic development of needy by enhancing social, environmental and economic values through sustainable and equitable approach.
1.3 The Company shall focus on certain thrust areas of rural community development (specifically under-privileged), such as health, education. drip irrigation, sanitation, green house technology, imparting skills for employability, providing livelihoods and income generation, promoting waste resource management and water conservation, allocating resources from internal accruals and collaborate with like-minded bodies, voluntary organization, government & academics in pursuit of CSR initiatives.
2.1.1 Ensure environmental performance is continually improved through aspect/impact analysis of every operation/activity.
2.1.2 Integrate environmental mandates in practices of business.
2.1.3 Ensure and educate interested parties to adopt environmental best practices and minimize pollution, land & water-body contamination and resource depletion.
2.1.4 Increase green cover within the precincts of the Company and wherever possible in public places, to help arrest global warming.
2.1.5 Minimize carbon footprint through green measures.
2.1.6 Review, at planned intervals, the impact of sustainable development.
2.1.7 Ensure sustainability of flora, fauna and living organism.
2.2.1 Allocate resources for community development.
2.2.2 Collaborate and participate with clusters for community development.
2.2.3 Design/develop strategic frame work to identify need-based issues and address each with specific goal, objectives, program and strategies to achieve the same and wherever appropriate to be based on participatory rural appraisal mechanism.
2.2.4 Community Development Programmes in the thrust areas identified in 1.3 above.
3.1 The Company has constituted a CSR committee to oversee the implementation of this policy and formulate a CSR strategy through its own team or through an external agency. The committee may also hire an external agency or group of experts for advising the committee.
3.2 The CSR activities throughout the group shall be implemented and monitored by a central level execution team which in turn will work with the CSR head to report to the CSR committee. The central execution team shall coordinate with teams at each location, who will implement, monitor and report to them separately.
3.3 The CSR committee comprises of executive and non-executive independent directors to approve and monitor the CSR activities /programmes and allocate the budget for each approved activity.
3.4 The CSR committee shall be responsible for overseeing the community initiative programme and it shall prepare the budget which will be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors of the company.
3.5 A company may also collaborate with other companies or any other external agency for undertaking projects/ programmes or CSR activities in such a manner as the CSR committee deems fit.. Besides implementation, the committee will ensure regular monitoring and evaluation.
3.6 The CSR committee will, in a fair and transparent manner, cause a report prepared on all the community initiative work on a regular periodic basis.
3.7 The CSR committee will encourage its team to document all its activities on a regular basis and bring out a report which shall be placed before the Board before it becomes part of the annual report. Annual report will be available to all concerned and be displayed on the company’s website. The company may adopt and accept other forms of reports in case there are requirements from National Governments or other statutory bodies.
3.8 The management of the company will review the various provisions of the CSR policy at regular intervals and make such changes as per recommendations of different stakeholders and guidelines introduced by regulatory bodies from time to time. All necessary changes must be brought to the notice of the board of the company and be duly approved in company’s board meeting. The revised policy document may be prepared as and when such revisions are approved by the Board of Directors.
3.9 The Company's engagement in this domain will be disseminated on its website, annual reports, it’s house journals and through the media.
3.10 There will be periodic site audits to check conformance. The Sustainable Development & CSR Policy/Initiatives will be reviewed by the Board at planned intervals.